
Atmospheric aerosol

Aerosol particles influence climate, air quality, and human health. We study atmospheric aerosols and their impact on climate, air quality, and human health, using a combined approach of laboratory studies, field observations, and global chemical transport modeling.

Revealing historical biomass burning using ice core records and chemical transport model

By collaborating with Harvard and DRI, this project focuses on the interactions between aerosols and climate across multiple timescales in the past. We use the chemical transport model GEOS-Chem, combined with ice core data of black carbon and other fire proxies to study the history of wildfire activities.

New mechanism of hygroscopic growth and CCN activity of SOA

Hygroscopic growth and cloud condensation nuclei activation are key processes for accurately modeling the climate impacts of organic particulate matter. Here we report complex thermodynamic behaviors, including humidity-dependent hygroscopicity, diameter-dependent cloud condensation nuclei activity, and liquid–liquid phase separation in the laboratory for biogenically derived secondary organic material representative of similar atmospheric organic particulate matter. See our publication Liu et al., Nat. Comm.


Dr. Liu’s group conducts interdisciplinary research on atmospheric aerosol particles and their influences on air quality, human health, and climate. We, together with our collaborators, conduct laboratory experiments, field measurements, and atmospheric chemistry modeling to improve the understanding of the processes and properties of aerosol particles.